
The Chilliwack Foundation was established in 1985

In 1983, the idea of a local Foundation occurred independently to a number of people in the Chilliwack area. Members of local charitable organizations which were constantly seeking funds suggested it, as did many financial advisors, estate counsellors, solicitors and notaries who wanted to help their clients leave bequests in their Wills that would benefit their community.

It was at the suggestion of Chilliwack Community Services that a meeting of interested parties was held on July 27, 1983. This group, the Chilliwack Foundation Exploration Committee, began by obtaining information about other existing foundations.

After consulting with representatives of Chilliwack law firms, the Committee decided to have a Private Bill introduced into the B.C. Legislature to create the Chilliwack Foundation. This Act, titled An Act to Incorporate Chilliwack Foundation, passed Third Reading and became law on June 28, 1985.

The Chilliwack Foundation has been in continual operation since its creation serving the community of Chilliwack. For more information on the purpose and operations of the Chilliwack Foundation, see the Overview page.

Community foundations have played an important role in Canadian communities since 1921, when the first foundation was established in Winnipeg. The Chilliwack Foundation is proud to be part of the long tradition of community foundations engaging with and serving a diverse range of communities across Canada.