What is the Chilliwack Foundation?

The Foundation is a living trust that enables citizens to establish a fund, either during their lifetime or through gifts in their will or life insurance policy. Funds entrusted to the Chilliwack Foundation are administered in accordance with the donor’s intentions.

A preferred community organization may be stipulated, or the Chilliwack Foundation will ensure that funds will be used to best meet the needs of the community. The establishment of a scholarship or endowment in a family name, business name, or in memory of a loved one is also possible, with the option of additional contributions at any time in the future.

The Chilliwack Foundation is a non-profit organization, serving as a trustee of funds left in its care. Since the Chilliwack Foundation’s creation in 1985, these funds, donated by generous community spirited citizens, have benefited countless grade 12 graduates and over 147 nonprofit organizations.

How does the Chilliwack Foundation work?

Funds donated to the Chilliwack Foundation are perpetually held in trust and invested under the oversight of the Investment Committee. Only the income earned from these investments is expensed annually to provide grants to local nonprofit organizations and scholarships to Chilliwack graduates pursuing a post-secondary education at an accredited institution.

The Chilliwack Foundation has no permanently paid staff except for accounting fees to both prepare and audit yearly financial statements and occasional part-time staff contracted to assist with administrative matters.

The Chilliwack Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Investment Committee and Distribution Committee are also comprised of community volunteers. As a result, the overhead of the Chilliwack Foundation is lower than other similar community foundations, resulting in a greater percentage of your donation benefitting the causes you care about.

Funds entrusted to the Chilliwack Foundation are administered in accordance with the donor’s intentions and are categorized as “designated” or “undesignated”. “Designated” funds are created to either establish a scholarship or to benefit a particular community organization, which is designated by the donor. These Designated funds also carry the name of the donor’s fund. For example, the “F Clifford Brown Scholarship”.

“Undesignated funds” are distributed through grants to registered nonprofit organizations. Twice yearly, in the Spring and Fall, the Foundation’s Distribution Committee receives applications from registered nonprofit organizations in Chilliwack. The committee meets to review the applications and awards grants based on need and benefit to the greatest number of affected individuals. In either case, the fund’s capital is untouched, with only the income it generates being awarded. Donations to the Chilliwack Foundation are tax deductible.

For information on the organizations that have received funds from the Chilliwack Foundation, please see the Tables of Approved Grant Applications under Grants.

The Chilliwack Foundation’s Investment Committee has a strong record of disciplined and prudent management of the Foundation’s investments, providing strong returns even in adverse market conditions. As of 2024, the assets under management by the Foundation have an aggregate value of over $10 million.

When you give to the Chilliwack Foundation, you are assured that your gift, large or small, is used to meet the changing needs of the community and in accordance with your wishes.

Overview of Committees

The Chilliwack Foundation has the following Committees, all of the members of which are volunteers:

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE – Meets periodically to review and make adjustments to the investments for the Foundation

PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE – Arrange for advertising for Grant Application deadlines and general advertising and public relations

DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE – Meets twice per year in December and June to review Grant Applications submitted to the Distribution Committee in November and May

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE – Reviews and approves scholarship applications to the Foundation annually in the Spring after the scholarship applications have been received

GRANT AUDIT COMMITTEE – Visits grant recipients to ensure grant funds provided have been used as per original grant requests


Q. How do I apply for a Scholarship from the Chilliwack Foundation?
A. See Scholarships →

Q. How can my organization apply for a Grant from the Chilliwack Foundation?
A. See Grants →

Q. Why should I donate to the Chilliwack Foundation?
A. See Donations →

Q. How can I donate to the Chilliwack Foundation?
A. See Donations →