Overview of Grant Program

Each year, the Chilliwack Foundation has two grant application opportunities: one in the Spring and one in the Fall. All Grant applications, received by the application deadlines for the Spring and Fall Grant seasons, are considered.

Grant applications from registered nonprofit organizations are received and reviewed by the Chilliwack Foundation Distribution Committee. This standing committee, delegated authority by the Board of Directors of the Chilliwack
Foundation, adheres to Foundation bylaws when selecting grant recipients.

The amount available for grant distribution is based on annual income earned on the investment of undesignated funds. Generally divided between each grant season, the Distribution Committee awards grants up to the maximum available.  Contact Page.

The application deadline for the Spring Grant is in late April and the application deadline for the Fall Grant season is in late October.  

Upcoming Grant Application Deadlines

The Grant application deadlines for upcoming Spring and Fall Grant Seasons are as follows:


April 29, 2024 
April 28, 2025
April 27, 2026


October 28, 2024
October 27, 2025
October 26, 2026

Recognition of Chilliwack Foundation for Grants Received

The Chilliwack Foundation relies entirely upon donations, gifts and legacies for its funds in order to carry out its role in the community. It is therefore requested that all organizations receiving Grants assist the Foundation by arranging for appropriate, supportive publicity acknowledging the Grant received from the Foundation.

If your organization’s Grant application is successful, we would ask that you recognize the support of the Chilliwack Foundation in one of the following ways:

  • A plaque, poster or other form of permanent recognition at your place of business.
  • Inclusion of a reference to the Chilliwack Foundation as a sponsor of your organization in your advertising.
  • Inclusion of a reference to the Chilliwack Foundation as a sponsor of your organization on your letterhead.
  • A letter to the Editor.
  • A News Release.
  • Any other form of recognition indicating that the Chilliwack Foundation is a sponsor of your organization.

We also ask that successful applicants provide the Foundation with receipts for all items purchased with Grant funds received from the Foundation, written confirmation of the completion of your organization’s project and pictures of the project once it has been completed, as applicable.

Tables of Approved Grant Applications

Examples of Grants approved by the Distribution Committee of the Chilliwack Foundation in the past are summarized in the following tables: